See also ## retirement disposable time usage #reading@@
My 24-hour day can be regarded as spent on either C or P. “Chores” are (self-)imposed tasks that I had better get done to stay out of trouble, or tasks to earn me Pleasure. Let me drive it home with a question:
Q: why the heck do we work so hard on the chores? To get the pleasures
- pure Chore hours include paid jobs [2] || clean-up || shower (pleasure?) || …
- pure Pleasure hours include family grocery shopping || wechat (not me) || …
As listed above, Some hours are purely chore hours; Some hours are purely pleasure hours but most of my hours are a mix of the two
- reflective writing[1] including ffree, rental prop == 1%c+ 99%pleasure
- can take up dozens of hours a week
- [1] emails, blogging
- wellness and investment research such as FSM (about 5 percent of the tanbinvest blog) == 40% c
- [2] day jobs — can be (if lousy) pure c and no pleasure. Fundamentally, Even a enjoyable job is mostly “chore” because we are bound by a professional commitment where we are paid a lot of money to do a job for them.
- As a student, study is also something like an (imposed) job duty
- yoga alone == 111% c ! Rahul urged me to make it more enjoyable/pleasurable … leading to higher “productivity” and better results.
- yoga alone in my old age == 90% c since I would have more time and few other chores
- yoga classes == 90% c + 10% p
- other classes == 70% c
- jogging == 70% c
- driving == 80% c for me
- commute — can be pleasurable if I have a good read with a SEAT. Blogging on train is one of the most pleasurable.
- flight for reunion == 30% c + 70% pleasure, so I often look forward to it
- return flight == 60% c + 40% p .. less pleasurable
- — The 3 items below can occasionally provide great examples of burning pleasure
- body-building coding drill == 50% c + 50% pleasure. Absorbency!
- body-building QQ study == currently 45% c + 55% pleasure. I think for XR and others it’s less pleasurable
- localSys learning == 95% c
Introspection — X% c doesn’t always measure absorbency (effort) required. For example, jogging is 70% c vs 100% c for laundry. Laundry takes less effort but has 0% pleasure.