self-lockout: tips4ff + home #


— for office lock-out: Access card must be on me at_all_times, even for shower.
Most tricky periods are Fri evening to Sunday. Consider leaving the access card outside glass door, provided my seat is close to the door

Prefer pants with a belt-holder loop.

invest in crocodile-style clip.


==== for home lock-out:
I have locked myself out repeatedly

  1. once in 31A Hillside .. had to prove to new roommate who I was
  2. once in 43Rockledge .. had to call Guang
  3. once before taking a SG vacation
  4. once on 11 Feb 2019 early morning in a hurry to catch a 6.42 train

— leave spare home key in _some_ office furniture

  • choice P: personal drawers
  • .. Intruders are less likely to target personal drawers, given security cameras
  • choice O: obscure cabinet
  • .. If picked up, those unidentified keys are less easily associated with your home