touched on many health effects but i will put aside everything and focus on weight, for myself and my son. I’m not convinced by the research. I feel there are many ways a sample can be biased. See the idiom in,_damned_lies,_and_statistics
i suspect the research could be funded by manufacturers.
At a cultural level, many eminent scientists basically follow a scientific tradition to challenge conventional wisdom. They may find some strong evidence in favor of fat, yet the vast majority of human population are still better explained by the mainstream, accepted framework of theoretical “models“. One exception that proves the rule — cholesterol ] food^blood
“How could something with more calories be better for your waistline? Some researchers argue that not all calories are equal—especially when it comes to weight gain. Also, focusing on calories-per-serving largely ignores a mammoth factor when it comes to obesity: fullness. Kratz says the fatty acids that are stripped out of reduced-fat dairy may help you feel full sooner and stay full longer– meaning you’ll eat less now and in the coming hours.” …. This hypothesized “longer” effect means 5 minutes in my experience 🙁
I see satiation/calorie ratio as utterly vague, personal, non-reproducible, and basically un-measurable. Based on such a weak reasoning, one can say that “I eat only butter, 猪油, ghee and full-fat cheese, and I feel full and don’t eat any starch so I can lose weight”