— “too many” _disconnected_ locations .. Wife complaint… I guess 10 could be too many but 7 locations are fine, after we get used to them
— high-up vs bottom-pigeonhole vs mid-level…… All 3 heights can be pragmatic, safe and advantageous. Clearly mid-level offers optimal visibility and accessibility.
I would say bottom shelf is more stable than high-up, and easier for moving categories of books in bulk
High-up has plenty of unused EMC resources, good for permanent placement.
— glass door (or no door) vs wood cabinet door
Wood door on a cabinet is unwelcome iFF I need to access the books therein frequently, But Hey, nowadays I have very few books that I access frequently, so wood door is largely tolerable.
— growth factor … Now (2023) I have up to 10 categories of books, and I have smallish “rack space” for each. If we have an expanding category, then we need spare capacity for it
* parenting
==== choices:
— choice G9: top of wardrobe …I feel we have other content for that location, such as empty containers, spare bags
— choice G1: two display cabinets .. shallower than wardrobes 🙂 , and horizontally shorter (less sagg:) , therefore good for many small categories of books.
Open_space_above the glass bookcase is secure and can also hold a less hot but possibly large category like magazines. todo: cover in clear plastic sheet taped to the A/C trunking
— choice G2: bookcase (esp. lower pigeonholes) in my cockpit, but /placement/ is not finalized
— choice G5: big drawers … one of my least favorites, but if we have too many (like 5) unused big drawers then yes books can go in
— choice G7: big tray …… (foldable) I like the big tray of c++ books and big tray of quant books. I think they belong to a low height (Smaller tray safe for higher) location like storeroom, but should be better lit than in #1173.
This choice is extremely flexible, low cost, simple … almost /makeshift/. Very practical and useful in #1173 wardrobe pigeonholes, but not in #1169, except perhaps ikea room divider. Bookcases also offer big pigeonholes but #1169 bookcases tend to belong to kids
— choice G8: small amount can go onto bookcases in Room 1 and 2, but they belong to kids (wife said repeatedly) and they are sagging already.
— choice: wall-mounted shelf like in Blk 177 bathroom and #1173 doorway. I won’t install these in #1169