minimalist^conserver ^simple lifestyles


All 3 phrases have flexible meanings. Instead of online definitions, I follow my own definitions:

“Conserver” ……… saving for later including retirement and kids, but always for some goals .. nobody conserves for the sake of conservation. A conserver may be a sophisticated investor with multiple or big properties (but not non-growth assets like cars). She may become a big spender as planned. She may use a sizeable home/car, but bought cheap. In some special cases, the conserver may end up leaving behind a large sum, and decide to donate it.

“Minimalist” …….. few possessions and dependencies. Many people use this phrase to imply environment impact and carbon footprint, and travel-lite. I would imagine a minimalist may pay for training or yoga classes. I now use this phrase more as 1) it feels good to be a minimalist 2) it sounds better.

As of 2024, “minimalist” [environment-wise] is the most specific, least vague of the three. I am growing as a environmentalist and I’m proud as a role model to my kids and friends.

Recycle/reuse are increasingly important in my lifestyle. As a minimalist, I often use paper utensils and disposible chopsticks.

“Simple lifestyle” .. is heard more widely (because this English phrase is simple), is in contrast to modern sophistication such as fashion, devices … In some lingos, “simplicity” is intelligent. Otherwise, simple can mean “mindless”, “herd instinct” ,,, In the long run, a simple choice may end up costing more or have more environment impact (not minimalist).

— Q: I believe all of these lifestyles are hard to maintain over 50Y (because …) but which lifestyle is more likely short-lived?
A: simple lifestyle is most likely short-lived. Going with the flow (herd instinct) may lead to the mainstream lifestyle.

In contrast, conserver and minimalist lifestyles require discipline, sophisticated planning.

— ffree/jobless and living on savings?

  • conserver may survive longer, iFF she is effective, disciplined with correct long-term goals
  • The word “minimalist” — conjures up an attractive imagery of small home, little belongings, like 苦行僧
  • simple lifestyle may not work well, because sophisticated management, planning and decision-making is required. Simple, default choices are /unsustainable/.

All three lifestyles require us to give up on many things. Simple lifestyle is more spontaneous, more willing (less painful) give-up.

— eg: diet .. the largest number of daily decisions, more than any other domain [such as transport, gadget use,,]

  • Minimalist is knowledgeable (sophisticated) and more likely to be vegetarian. She may grow her own vegetables.
    • My “extreme” diet is a keystone of minimalist lifestyle — starch reduction; calorie restriction; raw food with lots of fiber
    • small indugence in comfort food, rather than “enjoy”
  • simple lifestyle may accept cheap, easy stuff like pizza, fast food, sugar and cheese in everything… Not all junk. Salad is good… An intelligent practitioner would choose the healthy-yet-simple commercial foods, but won’t cook anything fancy except steaming/boiling.
  • A smart conserver would prioritize health and eat healthy, possibly expensive.
  • All 3 would favor fruits and raw veg
  • Restriction and self-restraint is important to a true minimalist.
  • Unintentionally wasting food is acceptable. Simple lifestyle might generate more waste due to lack of planning. Minimalist may worry about environmental impact.
  • Alcohol and coffee … Alcohol(and coffee) is often expensive (lifestyle-creep), and can become a dependency. A simple lifestyle may involve alcohol(and coffee) if the person doesn’t think hard enough.

— eg: fitness investment

  • A smart conserver would prioritize health and “invest” here. An impoverished conserver would opt for the plenty of free options
  • simple lifestyle — an educated practitioner would learn and practice workout at home, in office, on commute … anywhere, using minimal equipment
  • minimalist? Similar to “simple”
  • yoga — simple/minimalist may prefer home practice

— eg: commute, car-ownership,,,

  • minimalist would avoid any automobile or airplane and may choose a more expensive transport to minimize carbon footprint.
  • Carpool and taxi beats private car for a minimalist. EV is a new option to investigate, but I believe public transport is even better.
  • Simple lifestyle may choose on-foot or bike, or long distance bus/train commute. I feel car ownership is complicated.
  • Conserver would choose whatever is lowest cost in the long run — bicycle, bus, even car/ReVe [if it saves housing cost]

— eg: home ownership

  • conserver is less likely (not never) to stay renting long term, given homes tend to appreciate
  • minimalist may prefer RV, or live in a sizable house built by herself, possibly expensive but modern and energy efficient. R.Zhu lived in a storage for a while, to minimize dependencies.

— eg: new technology .. minefield

  • As a conserver we have noticed the high cost, hype/fad and shelf life of these “things”
  • I think minimalists may find rather few new technologies can lead to less dependency !
  • Technology often represents excessive modern sophistication.