— converters of train-commute minutes (otherwise lost) : 2 peak-efficiency converters, and some minor converters
- laptop
- coding drill
- git blogg
- hardcopy
- printed blog, webpage or work content
- printed publications
- reading company emails on blackberry … (responding is harder) Can be efficient when clearing a long unread list.
— printer: Worthwhile if used once a month.
Sugg: buy and hold. Don’t set up until needed.
emc? Yes I will make room for it.
— laptop:
#1) 80% of the benefit and 90% of the pain relief is — commute time wasted. On some days I have so much to do and so little time. With a tiny laptop, 1-2 days each month I hope to do some coding practice sitting on train. Ideally catch early trains.
Budget — $400 to reduce the pain. However, if I don’t use it much it would feel bad to spend so much.
Requirements — light; Battery is LG2
Secondary benefits:
- flight
- bring to workout — Stadium / exercise park / gym … I could also bring my regular laptop, but watch out for theft and handle-with-care.
- bring to laundromat