bike shar`]PEK

todo: set meituan passwd for TJJ


I can’t afford to rely on something unpredictable. If reliable, then the avaibility/convenience is excellent in many situations .. short trips in normal weather condition, or after midnight. In contrast, public transport is more essential.

Plan 0: don’t rely on bike sharing. Buy a cheap bike if needed. Own bike is easier to operate.
Plan 1: (not really a base plan) rely on yellow bike, set up manual top-up from Any bank card. (wcpay would be a good second top-up source.) Accept the various surprises. (Citibike and SgBike etc also come with surprises.)

No perfectionist please. Perhaps half the locals also have problems with one of the three operators. My basic goal is “can use any one”. My good-eough goal is “can-use multiple”.

green blue yellow
滴滴打车 Didi Hello 美团 Meituan
done[1] done[2] LSQ TJJ smrz
xxxx我爱死你 xxxx我爱死你 xxxx 7725 xxxx 我爱死你 mobileNum
no[4] nowhere [3] GM psbc::GP bank card
explicit; tested tested +! explicit binding LSQ NA TJJ NA Alipay auto-pay
small R3 late 2024 PPD bal
no PPD[4] 🙂 ppd linked to wcpay/alipay linked to her bank card linked to psbc::GP PPD funding
Paid by Alipay Paid by PPD Paid by PPD one-tap QR-scan
scan from 小程序 can fund PPD TJJ NA wcpay usage

— green.. Didi cab/bike
[1] mainPage > 打车 > blue shield > 安全工具 > smrz … shows smrz completed
统一实名认证 .. different from 实名认证, only supporting China NRIC

* Tested: one-tap scan, ending with Alipay auto-deduction, although ppd not funded
.. Alipay (not wcpay) gives new users benefit of the doubt

[4] PPD depends on bank card binding, which is unsupported for passport. Without PPD created, you can’t use alipay to fund it.

Hotline not good. Low cost. Many menus.

— blue.. Hello bike/cab
[2] tap on username > 个人信息 > smrz done. smrz was initialized via Alipay.

Log in by SmsOtp but not Alipay 🙁

Blue is the most complete set-up in terms of payment control.
* ppd funding by Aliay or wcpay. Tested in 2024
* When insufficient, Alipay auto-deduction actually kicked in … mysteriously
** [3] Alipay or Bank card binding are nowhere

— yellow .. meituan
Account 1: smrz under grandma, binding her bank card. login/pw: 178xxx/se8. You need this after you reset the APP.
Account 2: smrz under TJJ, binding psbc::GP card
ppd (known as “余额”) funded by owner’s bank card. Y0.01 tested Sep 2023
Payment PIN: 1xxxxx1

Killer requirement: parking zone. I worry about it constantly, though the provider seldom levy a fine or restrict your access.

Switching account .. Person A can log out, to let Person B log in, then A to re-login. Same phone can keep both A+B’s personal data.

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