See also
The range of threats, hazards …. is limitless. Missteps and swans are two of many types. At any time, our mind can only focus on a handful. Inevitably, many dangers fall under our radar, because it’s impossible to monitor 33 threats. As of Feb 2025, I’m dealing with A) parenting B) workload C) ex_China D) GP’s decline E) overseas rEstate
— Q: which batteries and shields are proven effective? Half ranked
- batt::gz::quality_focus .. developed over 20Y, I rely on my quality focus to avoid mistakes even when juggling multiple issues. My colleagues trust me.
- shield::gz::flexible_hours .. I am able to focus during a /power_surge/
- .. batt::gz::annL .. well-developed habit of optimizing annL
- batt::pff::medBx .. MLP and the GEL policy I decisively bought for boy. My other medBx (accumulated over 20Y) also matter, if I leave MLP.
- shield::citizenship .. gov agencies are instrumental to my parenting challenges
- batt::English writing skills… crucial in Singapore
- batt::pff::warchest.. of liquid assets
- shield::pff::brbr .. developed over 30Y. Provides a sense of cashflow security
- batt::pff::nonwork_incomes .. [deposit interests, upcoming annuity payouts] provide a sense of cashflow security
- shield::faith .. I believe in karma, kindness, a benevolent higher being. I have hope and optimism
- batt::spare_laptops
Less specific, less noteworthy batteries and shields that proved effective (at least relevant) in this stressful period
- Shield::Marriage .. Strength of our marriage is being tested to some extent. I think this strength is proven effective.
- — wellness
- batt::daily_workout .. a habit built over 3 years.. highly effective
- batt::therapeutic_blogging and counsellors
- battery of self-care competency, deep and long experience .. print-out, camp-out in office
- .. battery of blogging system capabilities, accumulated over decades.
- battery of knowledge/xp of (semi-)gov support systems in Singapore
- batt::diet .. built over 6 years and effective… good appetite (for healty foods) maintained by raw veg diet
- batt::BMI_greenzone, muscle mass, bone density
- battery of wellness habits .. diet, dental
- — pff
- battery of diversified assets and investing experience .. SP500 + other U.S. stocks,,, BGC also proved an important diversification
- battery of annuity assets to provide better yield on my cash pile
- battery of exp tracking competency
— specific action items to strength my shields, recharge my batteries, reduce the stressors, protect my vital systems
- capture power_surge to make progress
- try to sleep early
- more raw veg