I first elaborated my concern over safety and conducive learning environment free of bad influence. I told her about “lawlessness”, engagement, commitment … Then I described to her :
- Scenario 1: my son enrolls. Not much learning on math. Some progress on English, social studies and science. Some extra programs to keep him engaged rather than bored. Conducive learning environment, free of bullying or bad influence. No social isolation … but in terms of academic benchmark, he’s falling behind not within the school but compared to the Chinese/Indian “neighbors”.
Considering The FI factor in my PE/SE/SA framework, it would be parent’s decision whether to move school. Mrs. Omoloju feels it’s better to work with the school to address the concern, to achieve the progress parents want to see. Teacher could provide advanced content or a completely new subject for him (not really helping with the benchmark scores). Parent could get him extra classes outside the school.
- Scenario 2: bad influence from fellow students who are not really motivated and not putting in serious effort in anything. Perhaps they have low self-esteem and no respect for learning, knowledge, competences or any serious effort. As a result, my son is not engaged.
It would be a big problem throughout the school. Mrs. Omoloju suggested we work with the teacher. If both the teacher and parents work hard to push the kid, the bad influence could be contained.
Remember the Staten Island boy who survived a bad middle school? If my son suffers, I need to move school.