focuses/distractions during a big relocation

Each human being has a limited “concurrent processing capacity”. When planning a relocation, we all juggle and shuffle several /priorities/, either consciously or subconsciously. Some people are naturally focused on the right things, so their subconscious focus is good. I tend to feel subconscious focus is unwise, as we tend to be irrational and lose the proper perspective. Here are some of the many subconscious focuses:

  • MRT card remaining value will stay in the card, which may get misplaced and the value lost
  • cancel unused credit cards
  • get new GV movie card for family, but worry about them losing it.
  • laptop get damaged en-route

These /priorities/ can often displace other items of more importance, such as

  • safe keep of important docs
  • sufficient rest on the long journey
  • learning efficiency on the journey? LG2
  • forgetting where at home I kept XXX or YYY

What will change if the relocation is for the entire family? I would have to let go of many smaller /concerns/ in order to focus my limited mental energy on other things like

  • proper clothing for kids on the journey
  • first few days in the new country for kids
  • grocery shopping for the first days
  • cooking for the kids


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