How tutor could help grow your confidence@@

– teach her the “correct way” to say something in a bank, a post office,
a cinema, an airport, a restaurant … just like Bryan did.

– teach and role-play questions and answers when meeting a stranger in a

– have a list of questions that tutor will ask her, and then she will
ask back

– let her retell a story she read.
! bring reader’s digest that she read
! Need to ask her and print out the stories before hand

– let her retell a movie

– let her retell a news story in SG, CN, US, Europe, … in
entertainment, health,

– let her describe the schoolssss she (and brother, cousins, husband)

– let her describe bookssss she read in primary school, secondary
school, … last year, last month…

– both to describe friends/enemies in …

– let her describe letterssss she wrote in ….

– both to describe the songs and singers she liked in …

– both to describe the cities she visited/lived in