think` too much@@

She likes to say “don’t think too much. Don’t cross a bridge before u come to it.” I now think this advice is often too simple for the challenges I face.
Explaining to her could be emotionally /draining/. I feel mildly frustrated 30% of the time. Occasionally I also feel guilty speaking Chinese. If my english explanation doesn’t get through, i feel disappointed with her (30%) or with myself (rare).
Maybe I should persist with my explanations, slowly building a bridge of understanding between us.
If you think the question deserves consideration now, just ignore her remark, don’t look inside, and go on and press her for an answer, just like sis. Short and sharp.
She’s not able to understand me as well as Mom or sis, or Raymond, but let’s not compare too much and feel bad.
There are a few major types of questions. It’s time-consuming to go through the cases, but i guess it’s necessary.
* where to have baby
* whether to go back to china right before relocation
* which grandma to come and help with baby
* which course to consider in US

Posted in zoo