> > – greed — deep-rooted
> isn’t it human nature, why bother?
am talking about my own greed, which is not very different from other people’s greed. I think Buddhists (not sure about other religions) tend to talk more about one’s own greed and how to cleanse one’s own heart. I feel it’s everyone’s lifelong homework to cleanse his own heart and soul and reduce the contamination of greed (and anger, selfishness, dillusion…). In my case, the presence of greed is clearly felt because it rears its ugly head (like a snake) every few days and I struggle to put it down (like a wild fire).
eg: I still feel driven by the desire to get better paid jobs. I wish I have a bigger heart for my wife, my mother in law, my cousins in china, my sister. My mind seldom dwells on these people cos it’s preoccupied by financial improvement. I guess I calculate too much — typical of an engineer but also typical of a greedy businessman.
Do I need to give an example to prove I have a deep-rooted problem of greed? I don’t think so. As you said it’s a problem affecting everyone. I don’t like the greed in my heart but I can’t get rid of it.
In your case, maybe you don’t see such a smelly corner inside you (like a heap of rotten fish), or maybe you are less greedy than most people and therefore you feel quite clean by contrast, although you are not free of the contamination?