RajatGupta’s wellbeing


k_rmSelf_vs_xpSelf .. k_def_of_success

based on https://openthemagazine.com/features/profile/rajat-gupta-grace-and-disgrace/

— Gupta hit a loss of reputation and successL, a huge blow to rmSelf, but not that much to his wellbeing.

To outsiders’ evaluation (rmSelf), the conviction (and failed appeals) is the defining feature of his entire life. So we outsiders tend to ignore all the wellbeing he had before and after that painful episode.

Jolt: In the cold light of day, “entire life” is much more than a single watershed event, unless the event leaves the individual with a permanent disability.

I would abandon the _simplistic_ outsider’s viewpoint and step into Gupta’s shoes, esp. his rmSelf. Apparently he has a clear conscience and believes that he didn’t break any law, but he accepts that the circumstantial evidence (against him) was overwhelming, more so than in the Silkair185 verdict.

The opportunity to tell his side of the story (via the book) is a huge relief for his rmSelf (also xpSelf), even if few Americans would believe it. His repuation in the American business community is probably beyond repair, but he is highly intelligent, and knows that his rmSelf’s pain is proportion to his attachment to that reputation, so he is mindful of attachment.

(Incidentally, given his visibility among 1.4 billion Indians, many would read his book, and 70%+ of those readers would have a better opinion of him consequently.)

Jolt: In terms of his wellness and family bond, his xpSelf didn’t suffer that much. He looks slim and fit. His family is still behind him. He still has friends and followers, esp. in India. Financially, he is still among the top 0.001%.

— For the billionaire Raj Rajaratnam, what I notice is the xpSelf’s suffering 1) in prison for 11 years 2) in illness

“In jail, Gupta would run into Rajaratnam, unwell and on dialysis with kidney problems.”

So the money, the fame, the power,,, are no compensation for the suffering of the xpSelf.
Jolt: I would not trade places with him, esp. given I have enough money for my life.

In terms of repuation damage or outsider’s evaluation of his entire life, Rajaratnam probably didn’t suffer as much as Gupta. Why, because he didn’t have successL [legacy, figure-head status, huge respect, mass-media image] before the downfall. Therefore, I guess his rmSelf may not suffer a lot, esp. when he looks back during his twilight years.