Over the past few years i learnt that resume/interview could project/present a bigger tanbin out of the real tanbin. How do I avoid the mistakes of the late 2006 boss (perfect mirror in front of me), and be a good hire?
* listen more. perhaps blog a bit more — thinking by writing?
* more democratic discussions, instead of one-man rule. make team members understand (even if just a bit of) the issues. Aim for their understanding if not whole-hearted support. Unsupportive team members could be forced to work, like soldiers. Firewall the movie — “Don’t argue with me.” when you must say it.
* detect team members’ real (often legitimate) grievances. Know the difference between real ones and minor ones.
* more trust in team members. It’s not easy, but leaders may need to work with “what raw material we have in this place” and spot/identify each team member’s strengths
similarity: technical zbs
similarity: mgt xp
similarity: sincere. no hidden agenda
similarity: not very good at listening
similarity: not very keen on maintaining harmonious rel
similarity: insensitive
better than me: very careful about service level to “customers”
better than me:
better than me: learn from him to focus on results — service level