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- — G5 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- taobao/alipay mess clean-up, set up wife’s alipay account; tested icard as the strategic, sustainable payment solution.
- ECI plan bought for boy .. my love for my son
- pff::ex_china reach out to Y.Yu; ChannelX opened; called to confirm quota
- wechat moved to SD card, to ease new phone set-up
- pff::FnF bill paid off and Recon updated… messy.
- ROTI4JIV.xls created
- improved readme in gDrive folder, repsc>msff and “ext” folder of github bash customizations
- called Maybank.khm about $16 overcharge
- wechat log-in practiced and documented
- my birth cert color-copied as “original”
- updated atm PIN for DBS, OC to move away from one-shared-pin
- reached out to Wang Fang
- asked Y.Yu about account liquidation
- unsafe stock PIN removed (for local banks); unsafe 9dot patterns for icbc removed; fingerprint set up for icbc/
- email sent to CPS and FSC
- — traditional targets: Every chipaway effort counts .. dental… pills
- work
- Stand:
- stretch
- muscle maintenance # current priority: ▼flexible > upper-body strength > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > ▼ CRE #5/wk
- Su2: enhanced push-up 2+31x
- Sa8: enhanced push-up 20x; G-9
- Su9: chin-up 10×4, push-up 26x, sq 8x
- Tu4: 3k; G-9
- Wd5: 3k with more slopes than average;