hour-level time freedom #failureZ,retire,successE,,

k_quietime k_def_of_success

Overall, time-freedom is a vague phrase, not a memorable impact phrase.

— financial freedom vs time freedom
Time-freedom is the Level 4 of ffree, and a part and parcel of ffree. Jacob of ERE asked

Q: freedom to … do what?
A: Jacob’s question was presumably about time freedom measured in months .

My idea of time-freedom is more granular, like hour-level:

  • blogg
  • successZ: techXX for career longevity and to keep the mind active
  • successZ: workout
  • failureZ: screen addiction, including random news and curiositySou
  • recreational reading, but for-a-purpose
  • recreational investing
  • see other energySinks

Like ffree, time freedom is highly personal. Once you have a better understanding of what it means to yourself, you may realize that you could realistically enjoy time freedom while employed, at least for a while.

Soon after retiring, you may realize that you want the _freedom_ to work in a team, on a engaging project i.e. return from retirement.

See also trading time for money, in the context of sustainable jobs.

— failureZ (flip side of the same coin known as time-freedom).. too much time freedom leads to unhealthy sleep patterns
Some retirees lose their daily schedule…

— successE … I feel hour-level time freedom is a non-trivial component of successE

flexible work hours can lessen work stress, esp. if workload is lighter.

== retirement
— time-discipline due to work
If you love your job [personal interactions, engaging, purpose, in-demand,,,,], then yes your job will impose some welcome “time-discipline”.

Many retirees lose that discipline, and decline in health. See Lawrence Wong quoted in my blog

— daily commute .. a huge factor to _MY_ sense of time freedom. Paradoxically, some people treat the pockets of commute as personal quietime, as explained in the CNA article

Similarly, Flexible work hours prove to be another factor to my time freedom.