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- — G3 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- taobao/alipay mess clean-up, set up wife’s alipay account; tested icard as the strategic, sustainable payment solution.
- GP’s icbc/psbc transaction PINs moved away from ATM PIN… major improvement of his asset protection
- called Snec about polyclinic referral
- pff::BGC 2025 dues paid, via ground-breaking new channel
- pff::Singlife250 docs archived
- pff::FnF card# saved in starhub, blogger, DBS, BoC
- pff::alipay bposts reviewed .. important to wife’s taobao
- pff::GEL prem prepaid via AXS .. non-trivial
- pff::USD and RMB from China saved in BOC; Rmb 10k from Jason deposited. How do I show appreciation?
- ROTI4JIV.xls created
- improved readme in gDrive folder, repsc>msff and “ext” folder of github bash customizations
- new phone bought decisively n partially set up
- .. ChnM (tough) set up
- .. PNB set up
- .. gboard set up 🙂
- gate lock fixed .. a few hours
- ceiling light fixed
- Victor Li contact recovered
- 3 vacations booked to workday+wiki
- email sent to Yang.Yu
- USB-C cable order placed
- printer cartridge .. found the HP still usable; refilled Canon
- — traditional targets: Every chipaway effort counts .. dental… pills
- work
- Stand:
- stretch
- Sa: 3m]shower
- Mo: 10m ] ACM + shower
- Tu: 10m]CapitaSpring+shower
- muscle maintenance # current priority: ▼flexible > upper-body strength > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > ▼ CRE #5/wk
- Fr: (piggyback) 10,10,15,15
- Sa: sq 8x
- Su: enhanced push-up 18x; Chin-up 20,20
- Sa: 3k including many uphill dashes
- Mo: 2k+ including a bit uphill
- Tu: 2.5k+ fast