[1] After Roland’s meet-up I felt the urge to spend a bit of my spare time on body-building for JIV. I ended up reading a py book for ECT.
- — G3 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- taobao/alipay mess clean-up, set up wife’s alipay account; tested icard as the strategic, sustainable payment solution.
- 5/wk routine customized for vacation; invented G-9 doubles as an effective cardio
- psbc::gp set up with all the pieces… due diligence around strict banking controls
- GP’s icbc/psbc transaction PINs moved away from ATM PIN… major improvement of his asset protection
- Scheme2, scheme123 for long passwords improved incrementally
- called Snec about polyclinic referral
- ccb webank set up to replace mobank … long term pain relief
- Oxley appt postponed
- refreshed taobao/alipay analysis; alipay qqcard investigated
- boy finger cut at bolt .. sharp edge hazard improved
- door closer improved
- two-smartphone set-up
- SgMonExp moved out of github
- BGC 2025 dues paid, via bround-breaking new channel
- added readme to gDrive folder
- HSR process reviewed, ticket bought
- set up new laptop after A95 destroyed
- L399 disk clean-up
- — traditional targets: Every chipaway effort counts .. dental… pills
- kids:
- Th: meimei math 20m
- Fr and Sa: meimei one math problem
- Stand:
- Wd: 30m standing dinner
- weekend work
- Sa: 6h
- stretch
- Sa: 2m]shower
- muscle maintenance # current priority: ▼flexible > upper-body strength > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > ▼ CRE #5/wk
- Tu: 10×4,15,15, [15,10,15 CIMB], 15,10
- Wd: 10,10,15, 15,15,10,10, 15
- Th: 10,15, 15, 15,10,16,15
- Su: G-17 in one go, with some load; stairs x 2
- Sa: 3k light rucking across Fort Canning