k_hongkong …. k_GNI
Background: as a prospective student (or her parent), or property investors, we have seen many sales presentations OF various countries. The “product” was a country, including its status, location, competitive strengths…
If a marketing firm were to “sell” the U.S. or Germany, it is easy job.
If a marketing firm were to sell Switzerland, it’s easy job.
Singapore has become easy to sell as of 2024. Here are some lesser-known “facts-n-figures”
- ranked the most open (connected, dependent) economy in the world; ranked the “freest” economy in the world, overtaking HK in 2023
- business-friendly
- one of the least corrupt countries
- trust in government
- tourism .. G5 “most visited” city globally
- PWM .. Switzerland of Asia. Smart_money know where is safe, free, clean, well-regulated, well-connected,
- ccy .. One of the strongest currencies in Asia. Strong OFR. Balanced budget
- public transport .. extensive network
- tax .. low tax burden for individuals (also a corporate tax haven)
- uni .. home to Asia’s top universities
- global G3 in GNI/ppp, and #1 in Asia, on par with Macau
- top-ranking sea port, airport and flag carrier
- natural disasters .. safe but vulnerable to global warming
- expat-friendly .. more so than HK or Tokyo
- G5 medical tourist destination, expensive but advanced
- top Asia city for international business
More than half the knowledgeable audience would compare Sgp to Hongkong…
— in 2019, I wrote … Looking at BGC, Phnom Penh, Bangkok,,, , I now feel Singapore (and perhaps Hongkong) will not be overtaken by these cities. There’s no visible risk. The probability of that event is close to zero. I feel KL is much better but still light years behind.
I am definitely biased in favor of Singapore. SG have challengers in Europe, U.S. or east Asia, but not in South-East Asia
— medical tourist destination (extract into a new bpost?)
https://www.magazine.medicaltourism.com/article/top-10-medical-tourism-destinations-world ranked Sgp as #2
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-20-medical-tourism-destinations-135841635.html has the same conclusion and covers top 20 countries including India, Malaysia, SouthKorea,