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- — G9 progress this past quarter… half ranked /chronologically/ and by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- updated BGC.xls, DJDJ.xls and noNeedUSA.xls
- Nokia router setup .. WMF, re-wiring, calling Starhub for troubleshooting
- DJDJ stay .. xRay/Hep done; claim paid out
- 10k full balance in transferred out to psbc
- learning how to use “snap plier” and riveter
- SGD } USD 30k
- FnF removed from boy’s HelloRide account; boy’s phone no-ring .. fixed
- figured out how to pay dues from PNB mobank
- asked Citi about USD deposit; asked SCB about SGD deposit promo and foreign tx fee
- Mayb khm, citi.NA pw updated
- — traditional targets:
- kids
- office
- stand
- Tu: 1h]ff
- Th: 1h]ff
- Sa: 30m]ff
- stretch
- Wd: 60m light yoga
- Th: 5m]shower
- muscle maintenance # current priority: upper-body strength >▼flexible > ▲full body muscle (endurance) > CRE #5/wk
- Tu: G-9; G-9; chin-up 10×7,15
- Th: chin-up 70,10
- Fr: chin-up 30,10,10; G-9
- Sa: sq 4x fast; G-9-16 rucking half way