[23]dabao wanted2b a bus driver


I told grandpa Dabao’s stated plan to work as a bus driver or 7-eleven shop assistant.

Grandpa replied “挺好。不好高骛远, 是好事。新加坡老百姓大多数为中低层收入。像你这样高收入的是少数,不能要求你孩子也像你.”

I told grandpa that most low-pay blue-collar workers in Singapore are worker-permit holders from China, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, or other SEAsia countries. Singaporeans seldom accept those blue-collar jobs. Grandpa said 这些外籍民工, 也可以安居乐业。I said we tend to ignore these foreign workers as if they don’t exist, and we compare with white-collar only. That’s unfair.

Grandpa agreed 不应该瞧不起蓝领,或外籍民工.

I said 很多发达国家,比如日本,美国都尊重蓝领工人,赞扬他们坚守岗位,尽职尽责。他们是社会主体, 和谐社会的基础。

Many African Americans often (upbringing) take pride in their blue-collar jobs. It’s an honest job that supports a family, which also supports a nation.

So if Dabao aspires to be a bus driver or shop assistant, I will support him. It’s better than having no concrete, realistic vision.

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