- — G9 progress this fortnight/month… half ranked by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
- [$] dreamhost payment .. analysis and decision making. The $cost is actually a small stressor
- realized that with Genepai, deliverables are dreams, and reward is tied to effort in addition to impact.
- webcam set-up .. reviewed, studied, confirmed, documented,
- moved multiple msff files to repsc to reduce compliance hazard
- wpress errorS affecting bpost-update .. 1)one fixed by removing plugin [email-changes] 2)another fixed with plugin editor [improvedButton]
- Gmail disk log reduced… continuing improvement
- IBs .. closure with sigh of relief
- Jill’s ADP case .. closure with sigh of relief
- covid jab #5 before NY trip
- [$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
- see also stressors around bj15d
- updated bpost on ignoring small incomes during IRS filing
- ikea gift cards .. utilized
- See also the jobs well done on the long flight [PEK > JFK]
- used up 20Jan budget at Somerset
- Stressor: reviewed Citi.NA tx history
- stressor: called 吉祥
- stressor: .. PKX .. trip plann; CZ .. seat
- Stressor: broken fan remote replaced for wife
- Stressor: CMLink recurring payment set up
- stressor: books donated to book exchange … heavy
- stressor: old red bike recovered and locked to the new rack
- Stressor: door closer #2 fixed
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? 20Jan, 21Jan
- left food to next morning ???? 21Jan
- — traditional targets:
- kids:
- work project
- 21Jan: 30m
- 22Jan 60m
- stand
- 21Jan: 2h ] ff
- Mo 22Jan: 5h till 4pm; 1h]ff .. too injured to do most cardio or yoga
- Tu 23Jan: 3h]ff till 12
- Wd: 3h; 2h]ff
- stretch
- 21Jan: 5m]shower
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
- 22Jan: chin-up 10
- Tu 23Jan: chin-up 100 = 10×5, 10×3, 10,10 .. tough
- Wd (qualifies): chin-up 10×5
- Sa 20Jan sq 12x, stairs 1+2+ G-9
- Su 21Jan 2.5k; jump-rope 200
- Tu 23Jan: G-9 loaded
- Wd: G-9 loaded