Hi Florence,
I just read some Buddhist booklet about “wisdom”, wisdom that help us see the true nature of people and things. I think you are
pretty fast at identifying the motivation and system of that place. Be sure not to exaggerate the negative side. Put blame only
where it is deserved. I guess some individuals there may not be that thick skin blank heart.
I also read the Buddha’s teaching on Letting Go and Attachment. I recently realized that my wife and I may not be suitable for this
country, so I had to go through a hard time letting go of my American dream and put SG back on top as our long term base.
Not sure about Tester’s job market. It’s also possible that somehow the perm positions aren’t so plenty and the employers prefer green
cards. I have no info on that segment, but if that possibility is true, then we will need to let go of our dream. If we don’t like
our employer then we just go back to our home country. The sooner we see the truth and let go, the less our pain of attachment.
Another of Buddha’s teaching is impermanence. Your pain in the heart won’t last forever. pretty soon i think there’ll be a
By the way i’m by no means a good husband, only a husband who wants to be good. good intention, good effort, good ideals, good
heart. Buddhists tend to see everything in the world as result of cause of effect. So perhaps I’ll become a good enough husband due
to my *sustained* effort.
Victor, March 2007