[24]NewYear [1..19Jan Fri##19w2]

I voluntarily accept “high-water mark” give-up .. from 19week to 18week+2days … becauase I would rather earn two active days for the following /segment/. That segment would start with a thick deposit.

Alternatively, I can recognize my non-trivial workout effort during my NYC stay, and reward myself with 2 days (19week -> 19week+2days). Does it feel too generous, over-compensated, and fake? I choose to recognize and reward myself.

  1. — G9 progress this fortnight/month… half ranked by noteworthiness ##a form of cognitive self-talk:
  2. [$] dreamhost payment .. analysis and decision making. The $cost is actually a small stressor
  3. realized that with Genepai, deliverables are dreams, and reward is tied to effort in addition to impact.
  4. webcam set-up .. reviewed, studied, confirmed, documented,
  5. moved multiple msff files to repsc to reduce compliance hazard
  6. wpress errorS affecting bpost-update .. 1)one fixed by removing plugin [email-changes] 2)another fixed with plugin editor [improvedButton]
  7. Gmail disk log reduced
  8. IBs .. closure with sigh of relief
  9. Jill’s ADP case .. closure with sigh of relief
  10. covid jab #5 before NY trip
  11. [$=with a value indicated by a specific dollar amount]
  12. see also stressors around bj15d

  • updated bpost on ignoring small incomes during IRS filing
  • pre-emptive: ikea gift cards .. utilized
  • weekday contract .. signed with boy
  • Sa: got boy to get up and go out with me. Good for him and for my mood
  • Tu: produced small passport img
  • used up 20Jan budget at Somerset
  • sent colleagues’ stuff to office
  • set up new cubicle
  • pre-emptive: reviewed Citi.NA tx history
  • pre-emptive: wcpay .. passport updated
  • See also the jobs well done on the long flight [PEK > JFK]
  • — Supper battles
  • delayed past 11 ?????? 20Jan, 21Jan
  • left food to next morning ???? 21Jan
  • — traditional targets:
  • kids:
    • 1Jan: many hours outing with both kids. Observing their interactions
  • work project
    • 1Jan: 30m
    • 13Jan: 2h
    • 14Jan: 2h
  • stand
    • 13Jan: 4h]ff
    • 14Jan: 4h]ff
    • 16Jan: 8h]ff .. 8.30~8.30, except a few hours meetings
    • 17Jan: 6h]ff
    • 18Jan: 6h]ff .. 9~6
  • stretch
    • 9Jan: 5m]shower
    • 12Jan: 5m]shower
    • 13Jan: 5m++]shower; 5m]ff
    • 14Jan 10m]shower; 1m]ff
    • 16Jan: 3m]shower
  • muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
    • 7Jan: push-up 12x
    • 11Jan: push-up 2+4+3+4x
    • 12Jan push-up 4+4x
    • 15Jan push-up 4+4+4x, four stations 3x
    • 18Jan push-up 4x in JFK T8
  • CRE
    • 2~4Jan: too sick to exercise; 17~18Jan travel [pack-up, checkout, triple-check left-behind and sturdy luggage]
    • 8Jan: Central park loop
    • 9Jan: 2km slow jogg two-way .. in rain ! I had sweat twice
    • 10Jan: 4km jogg
    • 11Jan: 2km slow jogg two-way
    • 12Jan 2km slow jogg two-way
    • 13Jan 3.5km loaded; 3km CP lower loop
    • 14Jan 5km CP slow jogg
    • 16Jan sq 16x; elliptic 1.5k

— 8 Jan: only fruits/milk until early afternoon, then I finished 90% of the boiled peanuts from Flushing. Discarded the rest because it’s not the most healthy food.

After long jog, I couldn’t find a fancy restaurant, so i chose a buffet/salad bar. I picked mostly non-harmful foods with very low starch/fat.  I also bought a green juice bottle, and 2 fancy ice creams for indulgence.

Feeling guilty, I finished my berries from 7 Jan.
— 14Jan: after long jogg in CentralPark, I had watermelon. Went home and had some cheese cake + carrot

Went to office and had ate some raw veg. Then (without hunger) went to Dos Toros and had a big meal but not as full as Flushing or Cosme.

Came back to office and worked for hours. Then (without hunger) finished the remaining salad + avo + tuna … no starch

— 16Jan: Afternoon I had nothing until 5.30 drink session. I said No to all drinks and snacks. I had some big sandwiches. I discarded the starch and focused on the beef.

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