theoretical, abstract words

Hi ZR,

Some Japanese author said something like “越傻越聪明” and “不讲理论的人, 尤其是女人,
才聪明”, and “越读书越呆”. I read his book for a few weeks.

He also said something like, most things in life (except academics)
can be discussed and solved without theories. The less theory, the
better the communication. The best communicators often use the least

I have taken upon as a personal challenge to learn how to communicate
complex things to my wife in simple words. She's just a teenager when
i talk about politics, economics, IT market, and so is my Mom, but my
mom is a very curious teenager and likes to understand the why's and

Yes some wifes are very academic and well-versed in theories. Having
such a wife could be good, but it will deprive the husband the chance
to practice “smart talking”, as described by the jap author. In 20
years, this husband may end up a nerd.

I Thank God for the chance to struggle with and practise “smart talking”.
I thank God for your phone call (at the very right time) that helped
me see that she's probably just too tired and doing everything she
could to avoid talking to me.
I thank god for the chance to share with you again the Let-go buddhist
principle. In fact, I can also see how I could let go of my
unrealistic expectation on my wife to become a “abstract
communicator”. That's not her and that's not the person I chose.

I chose a person who is attractive enough and who doesn't mind my
simple lifestyle. I was not choosing a well-educated AND pretty wife,
which is just too “high” to reach. Knowing what I chose and
remembering why I chose that option is, once again, real wisdom, in
Buddhist tradition.

I'm relatively positive I could adapt myself to be more sensitive
(wisdom again) to “sense” what cause her long silence. Not easy, but
Buddha advised that adversity won't last and we all have the capacity
to get used to adversities.

Posted in zoo