- mtg FPP: confirmed with UOB
- IMDA visit
- call with EAP counsellor
- 12306.cn .. confirmed what to do
- home wifi dead zone fix
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Wed
- — traditional targets:
- office work
- Thu 1h
- kids:
- We: math with meimei
- standing
- Mo: 30m
- Th: 2h]ff
- Fr: 1h]ff
- Sa: 1h
- stretch:
- Mon 3m in shower
- We: 15m@mrt
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk
- Th: push-up 8; sit-up 40; chin-up 10×10
- Fr: 60 push-up; 100 slanted sit-up
- Mo: body attack
- Tu: 3k jogg with some slopes
- We: G-11
- Th: trampoline 210
- Fr: 1.2k fast jogg; 500m continuous swim
- Sa G-20; trampoline 220