After SepPEK trip, (BJ15d even worse) was a high-stress period, even though a vacation. The preceding months also have many stressors. This bpost is a profiling+review. See also ##G3frustrations travell`2Chn
- boy screen time and study attitude .. a dissatisfaction blackhole
- epaJob: OKR project .. Genepai
- aging parents
- epaJob: compliance breaches [R.Teo, pre-clearance,] was a serious threat to my job security
- [$] night heat and mosquito over 2023
- epaJob: frequent BlueCoat strikes
- [$] Edyw was the biggest storm/burst@bubble in recent months since start of school term .. luckily, the wonder pill…
- meimei math difficulties as shown in the exams
- Bj15d: [$] smemo + git blogg .. inadequate note-taking facilities. I had to use phone 🙁
- [$=money can help]
If we don’t leave our comfort zone i.e. Sgp, we hit fewer bursts/storms/derailers.
Warning: Am growing more attached and dependent on my comfortable epaJob, so any derailers on the job tend to feel more painful than before.
I have put aside my recreational reading.
— There are also some –> delights [pleasant surprises] and progresses <– to offset the negatives. See also the +ve twsiter sections of bj15d trip
- fixed: wifi deadzone in kitchen
- fixed: Wife’s $9/M Giro uncertainty
- fixed: ChnM Rmb 18/M high maintenance cost; high voice cost during my next Beijing visit
- fixed: insufficient balance in ICBC account. Top-up in advance.
- fixed: HSBC USD policy uncertainty
- fixed: grandpa’s handset too low
- fixed: no citrix in L360
- fixed: booked CareCorner counselling to help desparate mom
- fixed: HSR + flight taken care of
- fixed: wifi deadzone around kitchen; no printer in Cockpit4 when needed
- fixed: no family outing since after Bj15d
- fixed: uncertainty how to use up $120 worth of bonus linkpoint
- progress: Arnel A/C and renewal
- progress: more chia seeds
- progress: two successful intimacy sessions after Bj15d
- progress: wireless@sg visit
- — half-ranked
- the ED pill ..
- (emotional) closure on the Brazil investment.
- boy’s piano Grade6; meimie’s grade 3
- BGC title finally making progress
- ants in #1169 under control
- 159xxx ChnM package worked exactly as planned
- MB.khm USD IR improving
- — Well done
- comm channel with boy … still maintained
- bathing for grandpa .. important to grandma
- USD 24k
- [$] Poly EAE opportunity.. boy didn’t ignore it.
- RSP position reduced, after a year of waiting
- mid-year chat .. no down turn
- [$] simlim shop to enable msff on L399, saved about $100 MSFF license
- Boy’s NRIC
- dental check to reassure myself “All is well.”
- Citi and MB.khm USD renewal
- hopeless mufu in OC account
- Sep trip booked
- mtg FPP 4 Jul
- real fast progress on Phill project, esp. SMBC tbl
- active days + diet … regain control
[$] vivoY02 intermittent (but serious) mute