Sep23PEK #

— todo

PNR = YCKWQD 99%of$175  by HSBC
depart #TR138⮧ arrival
01:30 16 Sep(“Fri night”) T1 TSN T1 07:35
00:05 24 Sep(“Sat night”) PEK T3 T3 06:20
SQ801 ⮥
PNR = 6396EP RMB 1410 by Alipay
FrqFlyer 8806798246 Ldn 2011 2way($436)below SGD 440

— bring to SG

— leave in PEK

— Once in Sgp

  • back up USB drives to other USB drives wife has?

— well done on this trip

  • diet and workout .. better than Bj15d
    lots of fruits and some raw veg
  • spent more time with grandparents.
  • Had one healthy and relaxing meal with grandma, followed by a rewarding shopping trip.
  • big photo .. well done .. research, decision-making, preparation, cost mgmt
  • bathing .. persuasion, research, efficient execution
  • USD 20k + 4k .. not so smooth @ icbc, but I did my best and got it done.
  • Pscb acct .. many trips
  • Taught grandma 5-dot log-in, copy/paste/edit in wechat, voice2text