- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Fr
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- coding drill
- Su 60m
- early sleep:
- weekend work:
- Sat 30m
- kids:
- Mo meimei math
- standing
- Tu
- stretch:
- Mo: 3m in shower; 15m@mrt
- Tu: 60m tough session
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Fr: 1km slow jog to class reunion; G-9
- Sa: 1.1km slow jog; sq 16x [tougher than G-9]
- Su: G-9, G-9; sq 6x
- Mo: bodyAttack
- Tu: sq 6x