- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Th
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- work:
- Sa: 6h
- Su 2h
- kids
- standing:
- Th 1h
- Fri 30m
- Sa 30m
- stretch:
- Tue: 2m in shower
- Wed: 1m while waiting in queue
- Th: lotus@mrt: 30+15+15+15; shoulder 2m in lift
- Fr: 3m in shower etc
- Sa: lotus@mrt
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Su: push-up 4x
- Tue: 2km slow jogg at beach
- Wed: sq 8x; slow jogg + swimm in WWWet
- Th 3.2 slow jogg in drizzle … some effort
- Fr: 50m bodyCombat .. felt like 4h slow jogg
- Su: 2km slow jogg with luggage; stairs 3
— Tue : morning felt hungry… ate lots of left over. Arriving at hotel, we took a stroll in the mall. Lots of food. I had an upsized bubble tea, then I waited till 7pm dinner. I ordered a vegie-rich bibimbap, but since meimei couldn’t finish her rice meal, I also ate half of that (a bit too much)
fruits: 4 bananas + 3 oranges.
At night, still hungry, I finished the leftover of meimei and boy (both oily)