- Su: xx English vocab 30m
- Su: interdental brushing
- Su: reviewed GIRO arrangements
- Su: reviewed passwd/userid design practices
- Su: reviewed SIA : position, next steps
- Wed: chat with intern about retirement plann
- Wed: chat with Miles
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Sun, Mon
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sun, Mon
- — traditional targets:
- work: Sa 2h
- kids
- Su cycling with boy
- Mo math with meimei and boy
- Mo swing with meimei
- We swing with meimei
- Th math with meimei
- standing:
- Fr: 1h
- Sa: 20m
- Su 1h
- Mo 1h
- Wed 1h in ff
- Th 2h
- stretch:
- Fr 15m@mrt
- Sa 15m@mrt
- Wed 15m@mrt
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Fr: chin-up 15,15+20+15,15,10,10 = 100
- Sa: chin-up 10,10,15×2,15×2 (L17), 16,17 =103
- Wed: chin-up 15×6, 10×6
- Th: chin-up 20,15,15
- Fr sq 4+5+6+1x
- Su: 4k fast jogg; cycling 2H
- Wed: G-9 twice fast; sq 6x; trampoline + chasing with meimei
- Th: sq 4+4+3+4+4x; G-9 climb
— Thu bao3shan1 battle
Got up and ate nothing bug half a banana. I brought a bread with me when I went out to meet Darren Ho, but I didn’t eat it. No food until I reached office after 12. Had the bread and then some fruits + milk. Waited until 6 pm party.
Looking at the fancy pastries, I made some conscious decisions. I decided on a controlled indulgence. I said NO to many fried snacks. I favored scallop snacks. I tasted only a bit of wine.
Later when steaks were served, I had about 5 rounds, with limited rice. I even asked for more raw vegie.
I filled my “system” with the relatively healthy items like juice, beef, scallop,… Only in the end did I indulge in the pastries
I do fee a bit guilty, but I fought a decent bao3shan1 battle. I didn’t give up the fight as I used to.