- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Mo, Thu, Fri
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- Sun: down light: research trip
- work:
- Sa: 4h
- kids
- Su biking with meimei and boy
- Su math with boy
- Mo: math with meimei and boy
- Mo: playground with meimei
- Fr: math and playground with meimei
- standing:
- Su 1h
- Mo: 1h
- Th: 3h
- Fri 1h
- stretch:
- Sa 15m@mrt
- Mo: recovering after bivalent vax
- Wed: 30m@mrt
- Th: 15m@mrt
- Fr: 15m@mrt
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Sa chin-up 15,10,15,20+20+20
- Sa sq 4x
- Su jogg 2.6km; 15km cycling with some climbing
- Tu: stairs 4; sq 14+4+6x
- Wed G-9 twice
- Thu sq 4x
- Fr sq 6+4x; stairs G-9 twice; 5m catching/trampoline with meimei
— Sat: only fruits until I left home. Stressed out [compliance, Quark, DIY,,,], 3pm I bought a “healthy” $10 salad near office. I hand-picked the ingredients… Being good to myself and proud of it, to the extent that $10 price tag felt tolerable.
After the salad, I had 130g of unshelled peanuts.
— Su: didn’t drink soymilk at home; under stress, i didn’t eat too much “comfort foods” at home before the family outing; didn’t order a meal at Northpoint or CompassOne.
I fought a Bao3shan1 battle, but somehow I didn’t feel proud until I blogged about it.
standing: sat 1h