- Sun long chat with grandpa
- Mon: lots of Quark work done + warming up to DIYHI
- Mon: spent hours with the cordless drill, dissolving the fear and anxiety
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ??????
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- work
- Sun 5h
- help kids on math, workout etc
- Sat: train meimei swim
- standing:
- Sat 1h
- Sun 2h
- Wed 5h
- stretch:
- Wed 15m@mrt
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Sat: chin-up 70
- Sun: push-up 24x
- Sat: swim 800m; jogg about 6.5k
- Sun: sq 12x; stairs 2-9; +1
- Tue stairs 2-9 x 3; sq 4x
- Wed sq 6x + 2x + 5x + 7x; stairs 2-9 x 3
- Thu (2-9) x 4 [before work; straight from office G-9; soon after; after MrDIY]
== diet
— Sun: left home around 10am. Didn’t eat any starch until work stress triggered me to take one chocolate cupcake (Left behind the other piece). Later, I also took some milk with grapes. Nothing else until I left office around 8pm. Reach home, I had some sweet melon and didn’t touch the dessert on the table. I had my first proper meal after family came home with leftovers from Ichiban (chicken cutlet and rice). After that, I also finished the dessert.