power surge:
- spent 2H wrapp up expRecon for Jul/Aug
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Mon
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sat, Wed
- — traditional targets:
- help kids on math, workout etc
- Sat brought meimei for dental check; swim with meimei
- Sat meimei math 2h
- Sun meimei math 2h
- Mon meimei math 1h
- Tue meimei math 1h
- work proj
- Sat 5h
- Sun 1h
- standing:
- Sun 10m
- Mon 1h
- Tue 2h
- Wed 30m
- stretch:
- Sat 15m@mrt
- Sun 15m@mrt
- Tue 30m@mrt
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Sat swim 850m (tough like 8 sprints, comparable to 3k jogg)
- Sun sq x 4; 1.6k slow jogg + some uphill dash; biking 10km with some climbs
- Mon stairs 6; sq x24 (discontinuous but tough)
- Tue 5k jogg in heat (not too slow, some absorbency); stair x 1
- Wed 2-12 brisk climb + 3; sq 8x #light activeDay
== diet