power surge:
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Thu
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Wed, Thu
- — traditional targets:
- help kids on math, workout etc
- Tue get memei to cycle for a few kilo
- Wed get meimei to climb stairs and jump-rope
- Thu get boy to attend counselling
- work proj
- Tue: 1h
- standing:
- Mon 60m
- stretch:
- Mon 15m@mrt
- Tue 15m@mrt
- Thu 30m tough stretch@ACM
- muscle maintenance # current priority:▲upper-body strength >▼flexible > CRE #5/wk #90 to qualify if 15×4
- Mon [piggyback] 15×2, 20
- Tue sit-up/push-up 5 min, chin-up 15×2, 20
- Thu chin-up 15×2, 20×2,15,10,10 #three distinct active-day achievements, including two tough ones
- Fri chin-up 15
- Mon 2k slow jog
- Tue 1k slow jog, stairs x 4
- Wed G-17 fast climb + 3; 50 skips (no piece of cake)
- Thu stairs 4, slow jogg 1.5k, including some fast uphills
- Fri stairs 2-30, + 3
— boy’s evening time table
- — National Day: boy spent 4 hours at home alone with iPhone + Chromebook. Mom instructed “no more screen time after we return”, but boy still used the same screens. At 9.40pm, both parents joined force to remove both screens but boy pushed back with force.
- — 10 Aug
- 9.30 home, started passing stool right away
- by 9.50 shower has started
- 10.20 shower over
- 12:20 in bed
== diet