power surge? PMA knowledge refresh
- cracked open the wrist watch.. an achievement in itself even if watch not repaired
- Over the past 2 weeks, i think the biggest improvement is bonding with boy.
- sent books to NLB
- Fri: slept early
- — #1169
- devised plan for key mgmt
- set up GIRO for TC, SPGroup
- cleared up manuals
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 ?????? Thu
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Wed, Thu
- — traditional targets:
- work proj
- Sun 2h
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Fri: self-xx FX_swap
- Sat: help meimei with deep diving
- standing:
- Wed 20m
- Thu 60m
- Fri 1h
- Sun 1h
- stretch:
- Thu 5-7m tough stretch
- Fri 3m tough stretch; 15m@mrt
- muscle maintenance # in terms of current priority: flexible >▲upper-body strength >▼CRE #5/wk #95 to qualify if 15×4
- Wed chin-up 15×7
- Sun chin-up 10,10
- Wed stairs 2x
- Thu 5k slow jog; skip 530 [like slow climbing 15 stairs];
- Fri 3-4k slow jog; stairs x 2
- Sat 900m swim
- Sun 8-10km
== diet
— Thu: came home not feeling hungry, but (as in noHunger到家..appetite out@ctrl) the leftover foods were powerful. To fend off the temptation, I ate some melon. I also quickly packed up most of the most enticing foods. Then I decided to finish the veg part of the leftovers.
Not satisfied, I finished the ribs left over for 3D + small box of the potato slices.
Still unsatisfied, I finished some cookies + chocomilk