mid-year review – Gen’s input

Remember the feedback is constructive feedback, which can help you improve as a professional wherever you go.

Be humble with the constructive feedback. Don’t be bitter or resentful.

Make sure your own performance improvement plan is honest and feasible. Once agreed, they will use it to measure your  improvement.

Key SMS: “Leave the rest to them” — if they stick to the high expectation in terms of “lead role” etc then they will conclude I’m not fit for the role. If their business objective dictates a replacement, then they will have to do it. But still I want to be remembered as an honest, diligent, albeit less competent professional.

If you need more time to take on the lead role, then ask manager for help and ask for a longer time frame.

Unless there’s someone internal, it will take a long time to hire a replacement. So they probably won’t take that decision lightly.

If they let you go before hiring, then in the interim manager would have to do 1.5 person’s job so his own quant work would suffer.