- ^ flexibility, upper body strength
- = math facetimes. With boy I may need to come home earlier (tricky)
- ^ recreational read`]ff while reducing movies
power surge? math session;
- Ohio tax: reached out to the right people.
- basin .. major fix
- Sat: researched on English proficiency tests
- Sat: streamlined penal system for boy
- Sun: brought son out for a movie
- Sun: northpoint and Westgate food courts… didn’t give in to temptations. Had lots of fruits at home
- sun: used laptop and book during outing
- sun: helped boy with anus medication
- Mon: long hours with boy even though without physical workout
- Mon: fought back temptation at Jurong East
- Mon: studied Kahneman’s book on mrt (both ways), at food court, Ikea etc
- Wed evening at home: math(below); remote working; clear gmail draft; assets.xls update
- — Supper battles
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner??????
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sun, Wed, Thu
- — traditional targets:
- QQ study:
- work proj
- Mon 2h
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Sun: boy math facetime
- Mon: meimei math facetime
- Wed: boy math facetime
- standing:
- Sat: 4p-8, 1h at home
- Tue: 2h till 7.30
- Wed 1h morning
- Thu 3h morning
- stretch:
- Sat: tough yoga
- Mon: 15m@mrt
- Tue: 15m@mrt
- Wed: 15m@mrt; 30m tough yoga@ACM #20m+ would be heroic;
- Thu: 15m@mrt; 5m+ fwd bend
- muscle endurance + strength # in terms of current priority: flexible >▲full-body strength >▼CRE (needed for meet-up).. see also 5/wk
- Thu: 40m+ @GBB
- Sun: stairs 5x
- Mon: 4k with some intensity slopes; sq 2x
- Tue swim 900m
- Thu 5-6k; stairs 2x
== diet