For the long weekend, I want to make progress on normalization | PMA, coding drill
- — the big tasks during this crunch time, that demand a certain level of bandwidth and absorbency.
- PMA xx? chip away every week
algo normalization… good for weekend office trip - help kids with math… 细水长流. Don’t give up. No obligation.
- 5/wk .. No obligation
Given my big implicit stressors (PMA, normalization), I have overallocated to some non-essential and timing_consuming tasks. That has contributed to my crunch_time/all-at-once. Now am cutting back on movies, shopping
- bought whiteboard with meimei (Dad/daughter bonding)
- .. fixed scroll rod on it .. I didn’t want to leave all those spare parts in limbo, but too time-consuming
- bought wall paint, brush, planned and finished the paint job
- paint lower portion .. see quick_removal_bpost
- studied PrimeCare and replied to Sok Ling, updated blogpost , but timing_consuming and non-urgent
- examined the old fan; bought new fan .. see quick_removal_bpost
- returned to Ikea… also improved the new whiteboard
- Quant role referral .. see quick_removal_bpost
- Ohio .. see quick_removal_bpost
- name change at MLP .. asked HR, scanned pp, updated workday .. see quick_removal_bpost
- DIMS .. visited GrandOptical, emailed SNEC, checked balance with Cigna .. too timing_consuming
- Bishan book exchange: donated 5 books; Woodlands+AMK: picked up 10+ books
- discussed with K.Hu many important topics
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 300 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner??????
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- coding drill
- Mon: 10m looking at Binapi
- work proj
- Sat 1.5h
- Sun 1.5h
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Fri a bit of math facetime with meimei + ahboy
- Fri help boy (and wife) get exercise
- standing:
- Mon 2h
- Tue 2h
- stretch:
- Thu 15m@mrt
- Sat 60m tough hot yoga
- Sun 1h lotus@mrt
- Mon 15m@mrt
- Tue 2m@shower, 15m@mrt
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: flexible >▲full-body strength >▼CRE (needed for meet-up).. see also 5/wk
- Thu 15×3 thin-bar; chin-up 15×5
- Sun chin-up 10; dip 20; slanted sit-up 20
- Fri stairs 5x; squat 4x; cycling 3h (about 22km) with load therefore unable to reach my usual velocity.
- Sun fast jogg 2.4k; sq 6x
- Tue sq 4+8+6+2+12x; enhanced sq 2x; stairs 3x; enhanced stairs 2x; racing 100m; lunge 1x
== diet