+2 means the specified period. Su ..Fr in this example is 2D ahead of Sunday [standard_end_of_week].
- Fri +2D would be a Sunday;
- Tu+26 = Tu+ 28-2 = anotherTu -2 = a Sunday;
- Th+38 = Th+35+3 = anotherTh +3 = a Sunday;
Reduce effort on S27, Rbh, and focus on PMA xx?
absorbency power surge?
- 1D set up L36 and taking notes onlearning
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 300 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner?????? Mon (800)
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- coding drill
- Fri 3H, learning python 1H afterwards
- work proj
- Sun 1h
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- standing:
- Mon: 1h
- Tue: 2h
- Wed: 2-3, 5-8, 30m
- Thu 1h,30m
- stretch:
- Sun: tough hot yoga
- Wed 30m@mrt+5m in shower
- Thu 15m@mrt, 5m in shower
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: ▲full-body strength > flexible >▼CRE (needed for meet-up).. see also 5/wk
- Tue: push-up 4+4x; 2x at home with meimei
- Wed enhanced push-up 12x; thin-bar 20
- Fri thin bar 60 + 40 chin up
- Sun: stairs 7x
- Tue rope 300; lunges 10min; squat 6x. Somehow, this amount of workout, esp. the lunges, felt excessive in hindsight.
- Wed: stairs x 1; squat 4+2+4+2+14x
- Thu jog 4k
- Fri stairs 4
== diet
— Mon: came home close to 11. Finished leftovers like cooked veg + a bit of potato slices. Then I took half a sweat potato to go with lots of winter melon. In total, the starch content was limited to the potato and the sweet potato.