It takes too much time to keep this list. In each item, there are too many important details.. like pulling out a thread from a knitted sweater:( … Once I start pulling I can’t stop pulling.
- [early 2016] renzi
- [mid 2016] boy ownership, heavy workload, efficiency, kiasu parents,
- personal finance, including bx and property investment
- [Mar – Sep 2016] fitness including yoga
- [Sep 2016] (after coming back from Beijing trip) marriage – risk of break-up
- [m] UChicago
- [m] c# body building —- ended in 2013. I tried several US jobs.
- Saxo/Oanda —- subsided after my Saxo options expired in Nov 2015. Failed experiment
- [!m] FSM —- more than 3H/week for most of 2013 – 2016
- boy Eng reading —- Late 2014, before his P1, we enrolled in Mind Stretcher and KentRidgeTutors. In P1, we engaged home tutor mostly for English reading (and writing).
- [m] renzi —- In P2, my focus shifted to renzi. I brought boy out on weekends to read on MRT or in library. Very poor ROTI.
- ownership^bmark —- initiative, efficiency, study habits … was a focus since early 2016.
- [m] Jill’s, BGC and Phnom Penh — minor focuses
- b@a —- dominant focus after the chat with Ilya Oct 2014 – Mar 2015. Went to office on many weekends
- post-b@a —- dominant focus Mar – May 2015
- ramp-up at Macquarie —- major focus for Jun – Dec 2015. Weekends…
- H1 —- dominant focus from Dec 2015 to Mar 2016. This includes all the analysis, discussions and decision-making.
- yoga —- became a minor focus in Feb 2016. Took up lots of time and energy.
- unstable marriage for a few weeks after waigong came.
- Boy fitness —- signed up with flexifitness in Jul.
- [m] my jogging —- I started jogging with them then with Ashish. My ROTI is excellent. This also includes yoga and swim.
- [m=measurable target]
In hind sight, overspent on boy, investment, basically same tendency in HIS19 !