absorbency power surge: US tax
- exp recon big update
- police report
- HRBlock
- slowly using up the RealYoga credits
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 300 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner?????? Sun (800 cal?), Wed (800 cal?)
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sun, Mon
- — traditional targets:
- work proj
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- math session with boy: Sun
- standing:
- Sun 1h
- Mon 5h
- Tue 2h
- Wed 1h
- stretch:
- Mon ChairYoga
- Tue 15m lotus@mrt
- Thu 15m lotus@mrt
- Fri demanding hot yoga
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: ▲flexible > ▲strength > ▼endurance. see also 5/wk
- Mon upper body 15-20m
- Wed thin-bar 80, chin-up 20
- Thu (inheriting) thin-bar 70, chin-up
- Sun sq x 18; stairs 4+10 + fast (G-15)
- Mon sq x 6 fast; jogg 5.5k
- Tue sq x 2
- Wed sq x 2
- Thu stairs x 3
== diet
— Tue: the leftovers in fridge is a serious temptation.
— Wed: came home 10.30 hungry. Luckily, no “derailer” or overwhelming leftovers. I put the rice in fridge without touching.
I first had some fruits (apple slices). Then I waited till 11.20 to start the big dinner with leftovers. I finished the omelet with max amount of lettuce. Then I started on the big plate of wintermelon. First half with lettuce, 2nd half with some chilled potato slices. Not satisifed, I follwed it with a tiny big of ice cream and a few spoonful of pecan nuts. Lastly I finished some cooked veg (earlier leftovers), without starch!
I think it’s hard to go without comfort foods [starch, nuts..] for so long. Some self-allowance is needed sooner or later.
— Thu: came home 9pm hungry. I picked leftovers and excluded starchy content except one piece of corn.