power surge?
ROTI priorities?
- exp recon:
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 300 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner?????? Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sun, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri
- — traditional targets:
- work proj
- Sun 2H
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Sun, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri boy math
- standing:
- Sun 2h
- Mon 3h
- Tue 30m
- Thu 1h
- stretch:
- Sun 60 tough yoga
- Mon 2h lotus@cinema+mrt
- Wed 60m yoga + 15m@mrt
- Fri 60m tough yoga
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: ▲flexible > ▲strength > ▼endurance. see also 5/wk
- Mon push-up 160 strenuous.
- Tue chin-up 60, 60 thin-bar
- Mon sq x 4+6; stairs x 2; 4.5k with load + some slopes
- Fri sq x 8; stairs x 2
== diet
— Tue: had a bit of fish from office fridge… accompanied by carrots. Reached home earlier around 10, hungry. Saw leftovers but I put aside the meat (already boxed up by wife). Hadf fruits Only, until 11+. Then I finished the leftovers including lots of prawns and a bit of potato (the only starch tonight)
— Wed: reached home 9.30 a bit hungry. Saw the leftovers. Had lots of watermelon. Had real dinner past 11pm. A few spoonful of rice.
— Thu: reached home 10.30 hungry. Saw the leftovers and immediately boxed up everything. Had some fruits until 11pm. Had some leftovers including a few spoonful of rice