power surge?
ROTI priorities?
- exp recon:
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 300 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner?????? Wed, Thu
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Mon, Thu
- — traditional targets:
- work proj
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Tue math
- Wed a bit of math
- Thu a bit of math
- Fri boy discussion on 被动, free writing.
- standing:
- Mon 2H
- Tue 2h
- Wed 1h
- Thu 2h
- Fri 1h
- stretch:
- Mon yoga 60m; lotus@mrt 10m
- Tue lotus@mrt 15m
- Wed lotus@mrt 15m
- Thu lotus@mrt 15m x 2; 60m flow yoga
- Fri 60m strength-yoga
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: ▲flexible > ▲strength > ▼endurance. see also 5/wk
- Wed chin-up 60+10; thin-bar 40; push-up 24
- Mon sq x 7
- Tue skip_rope 500+; squat x 8+8+5(lift)+8(cinema)+4(shower)+4(lift); stairs x 4; jogg (slope) 3k
- Thu sq x 4
== diet
— wed: came home hungry. I ate a bana + lots of watermelon to postpone the meal (dinner leftovers) till 11.40pm. I put one spoonful of rice in my plate..
— Thu: came home hugry. I ate cooked eggplant + raw lettuce, then half a watermelon, and postponed the meal (dinner leftovers) till 11:50pm. Then I put two spoonful of rice
— Fri: 10pm came home hungry. Had lots of grapes. 11:50pm started eating leftovers without starch