Myopic control lens #LG2

On 8 Feb 2022, SNEC doctor said atropine eye drop is not suitable for meimei. The alternative treatment is the Myopic Control Spectacle Lens, such as

  1. Hoya with DIMS technology
  2. Essilor with HAL

These lenses can slow down the progression. Singapore children tend to show about 100 degrees a year of myopic progression. It tends to stabilize at puberty.

Even with the lens + other treatments, the progression can be faster than 100 degrees a year. Not sure what can be done, but should see doctor again.

AiMui has no offer.

— grandOptical charges $480 for lens without frame

— use of CDA money .. We need to split the bill among

  • ( Cigna told me $310 but HR says $300 annual limit.)
  • up to USD 197 (SGD 260) on meimei’s receipt. Use meimei’s CDA
  • .. USD 113 used so far
  • remaining amount on ZLH’s receipt.