[19]feel`lucky+satisfied as bachelor,now again as married man

As a bachelor, I often felt lucky and satisfied due to my [income+savings]->ffree, and freedom from family burden — no kids no wife to worry about. I did sometimes envy those with a beautiful wife or girlfriend, but I never envied those with kids.

Among my peers in our early 30’s, it was rare to feel lucky so often. I’m amazed, in hind sight.

Cornerstone (more than a keystone) — somehow in my early 30’s I was rational, cool-headed enough to withstand the hazard/rampage of widespread but irrational peer comparison (keeping up with the Jones’s).

Fast forward to 2019. Now As a father, I frequently feel lucky and satisfied due to

  1. beautiful wife and kids — my #1 reason to feel lucky at this age. So after I got married, my perspective has changed completely.
  2. long-term prospect of a satisfying or good-enough career — on Wall St till 65
  3. ffree with multiple investment assets
  4. — other factors
  5. competence and relevance on job market
  6. vitality in body and mind
  7. … See the longer list in ##[19] living%%dream life,here-n-now #Detach, and remember to detach !