juggling 2 red-hot bposts

A red-hot blogpost is a blogpost undergoing some update in an editor window, even if it’s already “saved” i.e. committed to mysql.

My System2 comes under immediate pressure whenever I have more than one red-hot posts in one computer. The more red-hots, the more I would feel “spread too thin”.

— compassion .. There’s no shame no self-hate in avoiding juggles. At any time it is permissible to sort of shut everything down and keep at most one red-hot.

On one hand, I feel I can learn and improve my juggling skill. On the other hand, I feel at my age I don’t absolutely need this “training” everyday.  So once a while I can challenge myself, but by default, I don’t want and don’t benefit from this juggle.

— sugg: print out one of blogposts and close that editor