power surge? clear git-blogg backlog
ROTI priorities?
- Sun1 ikea product defect report
- Sun1 FSM letter of intent
- Sun1 tanbinvest blocking … research
- Sat AMB with boy
- Sun wrap up exp recon
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 300 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 600 cal without a dinner?????? Sat, Sun
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning????? Sun1, Wed
- — traditional targets:
- tech xx and coding:
- work proj
- Sun1 1h
- Sun 1h
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- Sun1 storycube + math with meimei
- Sun1, Fri, Sat math with boy
- standing:
- Sun1 2h
- Wed 3h
- Fri 4h
- Sun 1h + 1h
- stretch:
- Sun1 30m lotus@storyCube + 15m@mrt
- Mon 30m@mrt
- Tue lotus 90m@plazaGV
- Wed 3m including shower
- Fri 30m@mrt, 60m class
- Sun 60m; 10m@mrt
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: ▲flexible > ▲strength > ▼endurance. see also 5/wk
- Mon 60m stretch + core
- Wed thin-bar 10
- Thu push-up 6+6+2 sets
- cardio
- Sun1 squat 40
- Mon stairs 5, squat x 3
- Tue squat 7+6+4+4; stairs x 9
- Wed squat 16; jogg 5k including slopes; stair x 1
- Thu stairs x 1; squat x 2
- Fri squat 24
- Sun stair x 6+5
== diet
— Sat: breakfast 2 bao1zi + 2 carrots. Next food was smoothie with 4 carrots