- Suppose you ask a game show contestant “Double or quits .. Are you sure .. Do you know the consequences like how much money you are putting on the table? … OK you are an adult and under no coercion so let’s … double!” At that moment in the game, both options appear acceptable. The contestant would feel “It’s lottery money anyway, not my hard-earned money.” Probably reasonable thought until the amount becomes 50k or even 1M. At that moment, the decision is no longer light-hearted, and the contestant is better off going home and think it over. Whoever decide to double are likely to regret.
- eg: risky investment.. Suppose you sell for a investment firm and you tell a prospective client “Here is the full risk disclosure. Please take your time to read… Oh you don’t want to read? Hmm… Are you sure … You know this is a very risky investment … Ok You are an adult. I leave it to you.” –> very bad investment
- Suppose you ask a slightly intoxicated driver “Am sure you can drive but are you sure you want to drive…. Do you know the consequences…. Ok you are an adult and under no coercion so I will let you decide” –> very bad decision
- Suppose a guest is supposed to leave your party by 8pm but she decides to stay longer, and you politely warn her “You said you have something important later today. Are you sure you can stay beyond 8pm? Ok you are an adult, and not drunk, so I leave it to you.”
In all of these stories, the ending turns out to be tragic (possibly fatal), regrettable. The tragedy can even be preventable if, instead of the nudge in the wrong direction, you had simply stopped the grown-up in his/her childish action.
In reality, the “host” or gate-keeper should not trust the rationality of the “adult”. However, if the host is a commercial entity then she may give a warning and then let the eager player proceed.
In reality, an adult frequently makes irrational decisions, esp. under excitement. That’s why it is often important to cool down for a few days before going on a path of no return.
eg: before a home-buying or college decision, it’s best to get every decision-maker fully onboard and evaluate the pros and cons. In SG property transaction, buyer has 21D to think it over. Now I think they should not rush to 20D.
eg: In most legal systems (except some Muslim laws) Divorce procedure takes months, to give the couple ample time to evaluate the long-term consequences.